Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Popping Pills and First Baptism (June 3, 2013)

·       the two teenage girls dropped their baptismal date last tuesday. we set them back up for the 22 of June along with a teenage guy we´ve been teaching. we don´t really know what happened. they were fine and ready for baptism one week and then a couple days later we go to visit them and they said they aren´t ready and need more time. we´re hoping they don´t just blow us off. they said they need to learn more about the church, but they told us they are still drinking and smoking a bit so obviously they aren´t going to recieve the answer they´re looking for. 

·       we randomly found a family of ecuadorian evangelists and they let us in to talk. we gave them lesson 0 which is just an overview of the restoration, plan of salvation, and gospel of jesus christ. and then they invited us to stay and eat with them. we had another lunch with members scheduled but we weren´t going to turn down a meal from a family of investigators. we ate a huge meal with them and had time to read from the book of mormon too. they said they would read and would get baptized if they came to know it was true. we invited them to church too. they were really nice and fun to talk with. but then we had to go eat at the members and i was so full. i could hardly eat anything so my comp told them i was feeling a little sick, so the mom gave me some pill that she said would help me feel better. i had to take it, but im not sure what it was. o well.

·       we also have an old lady we always talk to in crevillente. She’s probably 80 years old, and whenever we start to talk to her, she starts sobbing. her mom is still alive and is 103 YEARS OLD. she lives in this small little cave/house and can´t see or hear anything. so this woman´s daughter is always really sad and we talk to her about the church and she says its beautiful but i dont think she´d go anywhere as an investigator. 

·       on thursday we did exchanges so i went to elche. elder lish and i went to a gypsy village which is basically just run down housing projects. we aren’t allowed to be there after 8 at night because of prostitution and stuff. but we walked into this really sketchy building and my comp was asking someone where a certain building was, and gypsys were just yelling at us to leave, and i think some guy was doing heroin. then we came across some gypsys watching and betting on roosters fighting. i guess its a big thing there and they train and breed roosters to fight. i wanted to take pictures but my camera probably would have gotten stolen. the people in the gypsey villages are so poor its incredible. their apartments have nothing in them at all. the gypsey girls are all gorgeous, but they all get married young (like 17ish) and then by 20 they’re overweight and miserable. 

·       friday we went to alicante for specialized training. the president and the AP´s were there and taught us a bit. we all had interviews with the president which was cool. i really like him a lot.

·       then we had to do exchanges again with the zone leaders. so elder vosters stayed in alicante and zone leader gochez came with me. we were going to go to orihuela which is one of our pueblos. we had a bunch of good lessons planned with investigators, but we missed the train so we had to go back to crevillente, and we had nothing planned there. so we mostly just went around looking for old investigators.

·     then we did a service project at some guys house saturday morning and then took the bus back to alicante to pick up elder vosters. then we came back to crevillente to plan the baptism which was annoying because it shouldnt be the missionaries job to plan the baptism.
·       church was really good because we had 8 investigators at sacrament. one is a 17 year old whos mom and grandma are both very inactive. shes really nice but has had no interest in learning. but she and her mom and grandma all decided to come. and then this kinda crazy guy and his wife randomly showed up too. we got 7 new investigators this week so we´re really excited to work with them.
·       then we had the baptism sunday night. i was pretty nervous to baptize. i kept saying the baptismal prayer over and over in my head. when it was finally time, i said the prayer fine, and then put him down in the water. i was about to start to pull him back up when i looked down and i saw he wasn´t anywhere close to being all the way in, so i had to just give him a second shove down. it was ok though he got all the way in. 

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